Tip 2: Can’t Find A Dizziness Specialist?

The fact that you’re going from healthcare provider to healthcare provider, specialist to specialist, and no one’s able to give you an answer or to find out the reason why or to find a solution is a very common problem.

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[00:00:00] Now something else to understand is the fact that you or someone you know is not able to find a solution to dizziness and vertigo over the age of 70 is a common problem. The fact that you’re going from healthcare provider to healthcare provider, specialist to specialist, and no one’s able to give you an answer or to find out the reason why or to find a solution is a very common problem.

We see this all the time, all day, every day, where people are seeing so many different healthcare providers going months and years suffering with dizziness or vertigo, and they’re over the age of 70 and they’re not able to find the reason why. And even when they haven’t given up, they’ve kept searching and they still can’t find the answers. They’re still not able to find it.

So that is actually a very common problem, a very common story. So understand, you are not alone. This is a worldwide problem. This is not a local problem to your city, your town. This is a problem with our healthcare system worldwide, where we have not figured out the best way to address people of dizziness or vertigo, and especially when they’re [00:01:00] over the age of 70.

There are specific reasons why there are specific solutions that will solve the problem and that’s what we need to talk more about.


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