Tip 3. Relying Too Much on Data & Testing

Oftentimes the diagnosis for dizziness or vertigo, and these sorts of problems are discovered by simple bedside exams by the right specialist with the right experience that’s able to put the whole picture together and able to figure out what’s causing the problem.

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[00:00:00] So a major reason why a lot of people struggle with finding solutions to dizziness and vertigo is because, oftentimes, in our current healthcare system, we rely so much on the data, the testing, the image, the lesion, the brain that shows

Yes, there’s the reason why, that’s why you’re dizzy. Or here’s the blood work that’s off that shows yes, this is likely why you’re dizzy.

And sometimes that can be the case. If the person’s anemic or if they’re dehydrated or something along those lines. We can run blood work to show that

yes, that’s why you’re dizzy. But that’s not always the case. And some of the most common causes of dizziness, especially over the age of 70, cannot be picked up on blood work or an MRI or some other objective data that we can say, Yes, here’s the diagnosis.

Oftentimes the diagnosis for dizziness or vertigo, and these sorts of problems are discovered by simple bedside exams, by the right specialist with the right experience that’s able to put the whole picture together [00:01:00] and to be able to figure out what’s causing the problem. The diagnosis is gathered by what the person’s telling you, how the symptoms present, when they happen, what happens when they come on. Those sorts of things.

And so you put all those things together in a traditional bedside exam to find the diagnosis, to find the reason why. And that’s oftentimes why in our current healthcare system, we struggle to find why people are suffering with dizziness and vertigo, especially if they’re over the age of 70. So it’s about finding the right specialist with the right experience that can do those simple things to find the diagnosis.

And then once we have the diagnosis, then we can find the right solution to dizziness and vertigo problem.


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