Improve The PHYSICAL Abilities Of Your Aging Loved On

Focus on the physical abilities, the independence, and watch a lot of the other challenges resolve. And that is very powerful when you’re taking care of another person.

Do you or an aging loved one struggle with balance and falls? There is hope. Let us empower you to maintain your independence at home and in the community.

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[00:00:00] Now very, very important. When you’re taking care of an aging loved one, make sure that the focus is around the independence with their mobility and their physical abilities. And if you focus on those things quite a bit, then you’re gonna find a lot of other things will just take care of themselves.

You’ll find that a lot of the other obstacles, the financial, the logistics. The problems that come up are solved or don’t happen or go away when you begin to solve the independence with mobility and the physical abilities of your aging loved one. And of course, I’m biased on this. I’m a physical therapist. And the reason I’m a physical therapist is because I’ve seen from the past 30 years, My life that I’ve been exercising on a regular basis,

the value of what happens when we improve our physical abilities, when we get stronger, more flexible, when we can physically do things that we couldn’t do before or couldn’t do up until recently. Those things are very, very, very [00:01:00] powerful. And even more when we’re able to fix things when they break.

And that’s one of the reasons why I became a physical therapist, is because I wanted to be able to fix things when they break. And if we can fix those things when they break to be able to use our body is a lot easier. So focus the time and attention and resources on the independence of getting around.

Moving from point A to point B. What does your aging loved one wanna get back to doing? What do you want them to get back to doing? And to get the team around them, the resources, the time, attention, and energy. To being able to physically build to do those things again. And if you focus on that, a lot of these other problems are going to get better or even completely go away.

Focus on the physical abilities, the independence, and watch a lot of the other challenges resolve. And that is very powerful when you’re taking care of another person.



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