“I Don’t Intend To Fall” Is Not A Way To Prevent Falls

Dr. Jeffrey Guild explains why simply trying not to fall is an ineffective strategy for preventing falls. Instead, he stresses the importance of taking proactive measures to address any risk factors for falls, such as abnormal movement or fear of falling. By seeking medical advice and engaging in physical therapy and exercise, individuals can maintain their physical abilities and prevent a decline in mobility. Dr. Guild emphasizes the importance of remaining physically active to prevent a downward spiral of physical decline and maintain independence. Don’t wait until it’s too late – take action now to prevent falls.

Do you or an aging loved one struggle with balance and falls? There is hope. Let us empower you to maintain your independence at home and in the community.

Click the link below to book your free in-home discover visit: https://old.optimovedfw.com/balanceandfallsfb

 (214) 712–8242
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something we’ll often hear from people is I don’t 
intend to fall how do we actually prevent Falls

other than the strategy of I don’t intend to fall 
now I don’t intend to fall as problematic from a

few standpoints one we don’t have control over 
whether we fall or not in the moment we can’t

respond fast enough especially if we’re over 
a certain age our reflexes are not what they

used to be another problem is if we’re careful 
about following then we’re actually at higher

risk for Falls rather than lower risk for Falls 
because now we’re moving more abnormally and

abnormal movement tends to feed into Falls so 
we move more abnormal because we’re trying to

prevent Falls which actually increases our 
risk for Falls also if we’re not intending

to fall that means we’re thinking about Falls 
and so there’s some sort of underlying fear of

falling which fear of falling in and of itself 
increases fall risk so what to do about this

problem so what to do about this problem if 
you’re worried about falling and you or your

aging loved one is having a problem with balance 
and you’re worried about following what can you do

best thing you can do to prevent Falls is 
what you do three six nine months two years

in advance that’s how you prevent Falls that’s 
how you intend to not fall is by what do you

do in advance start by going to your doctor 
go to a physical therapist find out why you

might be at risk for Falls find out why your 
balance is not what it used to be if you’re

notice that your strength is going downhill your 
energy is going downhill all these things that

are becoming problematic your physical abilities 
your thinking abilities lack of Mobility lack of

getting out in the community with your friends 
and family you notice this decline then act on

it immediately and talk to your doctor get with a 
physical therapist and find out why your body is

changing while you’re physically declining and why 
you might be having a balance problem rather than

I don’t intend to fall as if I have control over 
this act in advance to prevent the problem in the

first place it’s like every other aspect of life 
it’s like retirement it’s like relationships it’s

like building a business it’s like securing your 
job it’s what you do in advance that prevents the

problem from occurring so the other thing you 
can do other than seeing a specialist is just

remain active and physically active and exercise 
as much as you can the more physically active you

are the more you exercise the more it’s going 
to snowball and go to an upward spiral where

you’re actually going to feed into an upper 
spiral where you’ll be progressing as opposed

to that downward spiral where you’re regressing 
and so that way you can prevent these problems


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