Want The Best Team To Take Care Of Your Aging Loved One? You’re Not That Far Away. Here’s How.

It’s better to think of the team surrounding your aging loved one as a team, a board of directors, a company where you’re utilizing the strengths of all the individuals and getting the best out of each individual. Together, you can achieve the most and get the best for the person you’re taking care of.

Do you or an aging loved one struggle with balance and falls? There is hope. Let us empower you to maintain your independence at home and in the community.

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[00:00:00] Alright, something else to think about. And I don’t think we talk about this enough as a whole. I think we see it here and there, but it’s a very, very powerful way to make sure that you get the best for your aging loved one. And that’s to think of the team surrounding your aging loved one as a team, a board of directors, a company where you’re utilizing the strengths of all the individuals and getting the best out of each individual.

And that way, together, you can achieve the most and to get the best for the person you’re taking care of. So what might this look like? You might have someone who’s stronger at the legal, the financial, the contracts, the all that stuff. Make sure that all those things are taken care of. That’s a special skill set.

So you want to put the strength of those individuals on those things. You might have someone who’s better at researching services, googling things, finding doctors, finding rehab professionals, finding alternative medicine. They’re good at looking at Google reviews and just, you know, finding the right specialists.

Let’s schedule [00:01:00] mom or dad with this person, then this person, then this person to make sure that we’re getting the right services, the right healthcare providers involved. You might have another person who’s better at being more on the ground. Maybe they’re more empathetic. Maybe they’re better at just dealing with immediate things on the ground in real time.

They’re good at dealing with difficult situations when the stuff hits the fan and they’re good at jumping in and taking care of it. They’re good at getting the older loved one to do exercises on a regular basis or to be able to help them to be able to go from point A to point B or to manage their day-to-day necessities.

Managing the caregivers if you, if they have caregivers, all the things on the ground that can be a different specialty as well. So you wanna make sure you have the right people working as a team cohesively for the person that you are all taking care of. And that’s gonna help a lot of strain, a lot of stress.

That way you’re not in a position where [00:02:00] you are doing things that are not so much your strength. You may be that legal or financial person who maybe isn’t as good at the day-to-day or the being very empathetic and emotional support and all that. Those are two very different skill sets. So harness the strengths that you have and harness the strengths of the people around you.

Build that team. Get the roles. Be very clear on the roles and that will leverage the team’s ability to empower your loved one to thrive.



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