Going To A Nursing Home Is Not Inevitable. Here’s Why.

By actively deciding to avoid a nursing home, individuals can take control of their future and explore alternative options for care and support.

Do you or an aging loved one struggle with balance and falls? There is hope. Let us empower you to maintain your independence at home and in the community.

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Understand that going to a nursing home or other similar facility is not inevitable, especially in today’s healthcare world. There are numerous options you can utilize to ensure that either yourself or someone you care about remains active and independent at home, thereby avoiding the need to go to such facilities. Nowadays, there are many resources available. There’s a lot you can do, both without and with additional help, specifically tailored for your needs, to prevent such situations.

Your wishes to your family are incredibly powerful. When you express your preference, for example, stating that you don’t want to go to a facility, your family will likely respect that. They will strive to prevent it from happening. That’s our experience with our clients and their families – the wishes of parents, grandparents, or whoever the concerned person is, are respected and followed as closely as possible. Family members and loved ones usually go above and beyond to ensure these wishes are carried out just as the aging person wants.

Making this decision will not only influence your actions to avoid getting into a nursing home or similar facility, but it will also impact the actions of those around you, including your healthcare provider team.

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