Balance & Falls

How We Balance As Adults… Older & Younger.

Here are the differences between generalized balance training and individualized treatment. – Do you or an aging loved one struggle with balance and falls? There is hope. Let us empower you to maintain your independence at home and in the community. Click the link below to book your free in-home discover visit: (214) 712–8242 […]

How We Balance As Adults… Older & Younger. Read More »

Specific Balance Problem Causes. Is This You? Our head mobility can be affected by neck problems as well as vestibular issues. – Do you or an aging loved one struggle with balance and falls? There is hope. Let us empower you to maintain your independence at home and in the community. Click the link below to book your free in-home discover

Specific Balance Problem Causes. Is This You? Read More »

Why Balancing Training Does Not Always Solve Balance Problems. When talking about generalized balance training, we have to find the root of the problem. Starting from there is how we can create a routine that will help. – Do you or an aging loved one struggle with balance and falls? There is hope. Let us empower you to maintain your independence at home

Why Balancing Training Does Not Always Solve Balance Problems. Read More »

Prevent Falls by Understanding A Common Cause of Walking Bent Over.

As we get older we tend to move less and sit more, which shortens the muscles in the front of the legs. – Do you or an aging loved one struggle with balance and falls? There is hope. Let us empower you to maintain your independence at home and in the community. Click the link

Prevent Falls by Understanding A Common Cause of Walking Bent Over. Read More »

Story Of The Most Severe Response To Vertigo I Have Ever Seen!

In this episode, Dr. Jeffrey Guild shares a story about a client suffering from severe positional vertigo. He explains the symptoms, causes, and treatment process for positional vertigo. The client’s condition was particularly severe, leaving her bedbound and unable to carry out her usual activities. With the support of her husband, Dr. Guild was able

Story Of The Most Severe Response To Vertigo I Have Ever Seen! Read More »

The Power Of Stretching & CORRECTIVE Exercises With Age. We tend to blame everything on arthritis when sometimes the real problem is a lack of flexibility. – Download the Balance and Falls Free Booklet Tips Report – Do you or an aging loved one struggle with balance and falls? There is hope. Let us empower you to maintain your independence at home

The Power Of Stretching & CORRECTIVE Exercises With Age. Read More »

Discover How Flexibility Can Improve Walking for Older Adults Flexibility is vital for the fluidity of our movement, as well as our body’s ability to rotate. – Download the Balance and Falls Free Booklet Tips Report – Do you or an aging loved one struggle with balance and falls? There is hope. Let us empower you to maintain your independence at home

Discover How Flexibility Can Improve Walking for Older Adults Read More »

Going From Possible Hip Fracture To Thriving At Age 86.

Dr. Jeffrey Guild, a physical therapist, shares a story about a client who initially resisted seeking help for her declining mobility and balance issues. The client’s daughter tried to convince her to work with physical therapy, but she was hesitant. However, after a fall and injuring her hip, the client finally agreed to seek help.

Going From Possible Hip Fracture To Thriving At Age 86. Read More »

How Tightness In The Neck Affects Walking With Age. The neck can cause a lot of problems, such as neck tightness. Ending up with multiple negative consequences on your posture and walking abilities. Do you or an aging loved one struggle with balance and falls? There is hope. Let us empower you to maintain your independence at home and in the community. Click

How Tightness In The Neck Affects Walking With Age. Read More »

The Upcoming Falling Epidemic & Why I Started This Journey At Age 21.

We all went through a lot during the epidemic, here is my story. This is my journey! Do you or an aging loved one struggle with balance and falls? There is hope. Let us empower you to maintain your independence at home and in the community. Click the link below to book your free in-home

The Upcoming Falling Epidemic & Why I Started This Journey At Age 21. Read More »