
Older People Should Lift Heavier? What?

Dr. Jeffrey Guild discusses weightlifting for older people in this podcast episode. He emphasizes the importance of lifting heavier weights for power and strength as we age, debunking the misconception that older people should lift lighter weights. He advises against lifting lightweight with high reps and encourages older people to gradually increase resistance to prepare

Older People Should Lift Heavier? What? Read More »

Will Exercise Make You Flexible? Or Not Exercising? Which Is It? Dr. Jeffrey Guild discusses the reasons behind muscle tightness, how it varies from person to person, and how stretching regularly can help alleviate it in a podcast episode.  He explains how physical activity, exercise, and posture can contribute to muscle tightness and suggests a combination of physical activity, exercise, and stretching to help alleviate

Will Exercise Make You Flexible? Or Not Exercising? Which Is It? Read More »

The Downside Of General Balance Training. What To Do Instead Dr. Jeffrey Guild delves into the topic of balance training and treatment for balance disorders. He highlights the difference between generalized balance training and individualized treatment, stating that the latter requires specialized vestibular or neurological specialists. He emphasizes the complexity of the balance system and the need to identify the root cause of the

The Downside Of General Balance Training. What To Do Instead Read More »