
“Tip 5. Move More, Not Less” Movement is gonna help actually solve the problem. It’s gonna help reduce your symptoms rather than make them worse. It’s going to strengthen your vestibular and inner ear balance system because it stimulates your nervous system. Do you or an aging loved one struggle with balance and falls? There is hope.  Download our FREE […]

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The Lifespan of Our Balance & Vestibular Systems – And How It Relates And Matters To You (You Will Find Your Current Self In This Story)

So How Do We Develop Our Balance & Vestibular Systems To Do The Amazing Things They Can Do? Ok… Here Is The Progression & Regression Of Our Balance & Vestibular System Through The Lifespan… Do you remember as a kid spinning around until you were so dizzy you couldn’t stand up and you laughed falling

The Lifespan of Our Balance & Vestibular Systems – And How It Relates And Matters To You (You Will Find Your Current Self In This Story) Read More »

What Is Vertigo & What To Do About It? Part 2

Part 1 of this article about vertigo talks about the cause of positional vertigo, a condition called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). BPPV occurs when small crystals in one part of the inner ear balance system (The Vestibular System) gets into another part of the vestibular system. (1)(2)(3) The good news is the condition is

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When Older People Get Vertigo & How To Continue Moving Independently & Avoid Falls

A third of 70 year olds and over half of people by age 85 experience the symptoms of dizziness or vertigo.(1)(2) Over half the time, the main cause of this dizziness/vertigo with older people is a disorder called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV).(3)   BPPV happens when crystals in the inner ear balance system (The Vestibular

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What Is Vertigo & What To Do About It? Part 1

What Is Positional Vertigo? Positional vertigo is a spinning sensation that happens when the position of your head changes.(1) This occurs when crystals in the inner ear balance system (The Vestibular System) move from a place where they normally are located to a place where they should not be located.(2)(3)(4) When these crystals get into

What Is Vertigo & What To Do About It? Part 1 Read More »